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Our Story

We continue to be a proud qualified "Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act" company serving our kids, schools, and families a product that exceeds all pricing. We have always used 100% whole grain flour and raw, pureed fruits and veggies infused into all of our baked products so that our kids are not missing out on the grains that they need!
We are one of the first companies to set the trend to health in schools by providing our kids with a great breakfast, snack, and lunch item containing the grains, fruits, and vegetable servings needed daily to maintain a healthy way of eating.
Enjoy the Whole Grain Goodness!
- Lowry Martin
Our Journey

Our Mix
Mix 'em Any Way You Want 'em
Our Partners
Our Partners

Alliance for a Healthier Generation

Farm to School

Food for Thought

Fox 5 Washington

Healthy Dining

Kids Live Well

The Washington Post

Whole Grains Council
Our Principles


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